Need to Make Better Hires

Do You Find Yourself...

Being fooled by how candidates performed in the interview compared to how they will perform on the job?

Hanging onto marginal new agents hoping they'll get better?

Working with high-drama agents who hinder the performance of your team?

Pushing new agents uphill as you attempt to train and mentor?

Struggling to overcome the traditional "80-20 rule" on your sales team?

Emotions and Personal Biases
Cloud Hiring Decisions

Decades of research and empirical data all point to a common truth – selecting the right person for any position is difficult.

Why do hiring managers get it wrong?

You make poor decisions because people are complex, and it’s difficult to see below the surface. You hire the wrong people because you make judgments with limited information. You defend your poor decisions because you hate to be wrong.

Perhaps it’s time to add some objective data to your hiring process.

Hiring Selection Tools Can Help
You See More Clearly

Hiring Selection Tools Can Help
You See More Clearly

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