Recruiting Prospects
on Demand

Recruiting Prospects
on Demand

Most recruiting problems start as sourcing problems. We want to hire great agents, but there are not enough prospects in the funnel. Learn how HiringCenter Source can bring a constant stream of talented individuals to your front door.

Product Details

Turn-Key Sourcing

Most real estate companies limit recruiting to the traditional prospect pools: experienced agents and new agents who decide to get into real estate on their own. HiringCenter Source helps you find talented individuals who are outside the real estate industry and are just considering real estate for the first time.

Engage Quickly

HiringCenter Source makes it easy to connect with recruiting prospects via text, email or phone once they apply. Engaging a prospect quickly and consistently is the first step to convincing a talented person to join your team. It’s the best way to differentiate yourself from other opportunities your prospects are considering.

Better Selection

Working as a real estate agent is not a good fit for most people – how do you tell if someone will be a high-producing agent? HiringCenter Source will help you quickly focus on prospects who have the highest chance of success. We’ve developed, tested, and validated an automated selection process to increase your odds of hiring winners.

Consistent Follow-up

Consistent follow-up is the hardest part of working a recruiting pipeline. It’s where most hiring managers drop the ball and allow competitors to hire their best prospects. HiringCenter Source turns follow-up into a predictable business process. You’ll never miss follow-ups and will keep your prospects engaged until they are safely hired.

Hiring Metrics

It’s difficult to improve any business process without measurement. Identifying key performance metrics and holding yourself accountable to making continuous improvements is rarely part of the hiring process. HiringCenter Source helps you track your performance and benchmark yourself against other real estate organizations.

helps brokerages hire the next generation of agents.
Let us show you how to grow.

helps brokerages hire the next generation of agents. Let us show you how to grow.

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