Dale Carnegie famously advised his readers to carry a genuine smile and use it often as a positive way of creating influence.
Ninety years after this was written, researchers have backed up Carnegie’s claims.
In a podcast from the archive, Dave Mashburn points out:
Scientists have discovered that smiling has a tremendous effect on our happiness, our health, and even our success.
It’s obvious that if something makes us happy, we smile.
What’s surprising is that the opposite is true: If we smile, it actually makes us happy.
And it doesn’t just stop at happiness—smiling creates a host of benefits (lowers stress, increases engagement, increases lifespan, increases success, fewer setbacks, etc.).
And, the benefits not only help you, they help those around you too.
If you think about it, this is one of the simplest things you can do to increase your recruiting success.
Just train yourself to smile more often and you’ll have greater influence.