Recruiting Insights

A Framework for Healthy Growth

Recruiting Insights

A Framework for Healthy Growth

I recently had the privilege of spending some time with the management team of Carpenter Realtors in central Indiana.

During a discussion on recruiting, the managers were reminded of their responsibility to staff their offices for both productivity and growth.

How? Carpenter adapted the LeadingRE Staffing Cycle model in the following way:

Prospect: Create opportunities to talk to individuals about a career in real estate or changing brokerages.

Select: Choose only those who meet your criteria and your company’s mutual expectations.

Hire: Convince the best prospects to commit to a long-term career with your company.

Develop: Train, mentor, and challenge your agents continuously throughout their careers.

Weed: Terminate agents who are not meeting your company’s mutual expectations.

Retain: Communicate regularly and work to build a meaningful relationship with your agents.

As you move into the holiday season, this is a great time to take inventory of your hiring and retention strategies.

Do you have good systems for attracting and hiring talented agents? What needs to be tweaked or retooled to make you more effective?

Are there some agents on your team you need to let go? What needs to change so you can develop and retain more effectively in the year ahead?

Now is a great time to lay the groundwork for a successful 2020.

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