Using Influencers to Hire More Agents

Using Influencers to Hire More Agents

Much of experienced agent recruiting is about being in the right place at the right time.

Agents tend to leave their teams or offices when something goes wrong (trouble), or an unexpected opportunity emerges (growth).

Some hiring managers make a point to figuratively “stand” next to as many recruiting prospects as possible waiting for something opportunistic to happen.

Is this a good plan? Not so much. Why?

Too much energy. It takes time and energy to stay engaged with a group of agents, so your universe of prospects is fairly limited.

Not enough luck. Your success depends on the fragile hope that one or more of your prospects will experience the disruption necessary to push them into your waiting arms. 

If you’re not willing to leave your recruiting success to chance, you’ll need some inside information about what’s going on in the offices and teams around you.

Like a well-planned military operation, success depends on good intelligence. 

How do you get this information? Successful hiring managers develop a network of influencers whom they know, trust, and are motivated to help them. 

In the next Insight, we’ll discuss how to identify and work with your own group of influencers. 

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