Recruiting Insights

Confirmation Bias – Part 2

Recruiting Insights

Confirmation Bias – Part 2

Yesterday, we discussed how confirmation bias is one of your best recruiting allies because expectations and beliefs drive reality.

In the same essay, Seth Godin makes the point that comparison and affirmation are the building blocks for confirmation bias.


Our culture has pushed us to compare everything.

These comparisons almost always happen before we engage with the product, the service or the cure, and they build up confirmation bias as they do.


But to reach the level of confirmation bias, some affirmation is often needed.

Who said that? What do people like me do in this situation?

Peer pressure extends far, far beyond high school….

Marketers in the old days called this the bandwagon effect, and it’s magnified by the intense pockets of tribal behavior that the internet now enables.

Your recruiting tactics and pitches should frequently include comparisons and affirmations.

Favorably compare yourself to other options your recruiting prospects might be considering.

Then validate these comparisons by showing how others they know, respect, and admire make similar decisions.

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