Jeff Glover recently published a podcast giving agents and team leaders a litany of advice on how to be successful in today’s hyper-competitive real estate market.
The 17-item list was cleverly structured as all the things you need to be doing in lesser amounts.
Most of the advice is pointed at agents, but some of it had direct application to recruiting.
Item 16—Add less prospects to your database.
Instead: Look for leads who actually want to talk real estate
If you really believe that the more people you put in your database the bigger business you will have, you are incorrect.
If you’re using recruitment marketing to generate leads, quickly zero in on the ones who are willing/able to seriously focus on a real estate career.
Move those individuals into your database for further action.
If you’re building a recruitment database of experienced agents, build a high-quality list of manageable size.
It’s far more productive to focus on a smaller group of known agents than attempting to reach the masses.
For recruiting, less is often more, and when you focus on less, the results expand.