I’m a big fan of Todd Herman.
Todd is a coach/trainer who specializes in helping elite athletes and business leaders achieve remarkable results.
Todd’s email newsletter recently contained a gem worth sharing. It’s a text-message script he uses to follow-up with his clients and prospects:
Hey {insert name}, you just popped up in my head, so I figured I should say hello and check-in. How are things? How did {insert activity/project/trip/event/hiring/} work out? Anything you need right now? Hope you’re well, but if there are any little or big stresses I can help with, let me know.
This is the best follow-up script I’ve ever seen.
If you’re a recruiter or hiring manger, this is a script you should be sending to all your prospects in the post-interview stage on a periodic basis.
You can change it up so it doesn’t sound repetitive/canned, but the basic structure, flow, and general content should be use reused frequently.