Recruiting the Best and the Brightest

Recruiting the Best and the Brightest

At the onset recruiting is more about attraction than persuasion. 

To get some initial momentum, best-selling author Larry Kendall says you must get prospects moving towards you.

People tend to move towards someone they know, like, and trust—someone they feel good or comfortable with. [It’s important] to position yourself as a likeable, trusted advisor….

To accomplish this, you must drop your short-term agenda and be willing to listen and serve.

By asking thoughtful questions and genuinely listening to their responses, your prospects will start to feel known.

With the unique information you collect during your initial interactions, you’re better positioned to offer assistance, meet needs, and make suggestions.

You can only become trusted and liked when you show yourself to be genuinely supportive.

Yes, this takes more effort.

But it’s the only way to recruit the best and brightest because they can see through the gimmicks and shallow pitches.

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