For most Americans, Labor Day signals the end of summer and the restart of the school year.
But the roots of the holiday are less sentimental and whimsical.
It signifies a struggle that people have had with work since the beginning of time.
In the U.S., this struggle came to a head on the streets of New York City in 1882 when 10,000 workers chose to walk off their jobs and “celebrate” the first Labor Day.
Their point was simple and unpretentious: Work carries intrinsic value and the worker who makes an honest contribution is dignified.
This truth has resonated with every generation and fuels the desire most people have to be gainfully employed.
This Labor Day, it’s important for all owners, hiring managers, and recruiters to remember the value you bring to your recruiting prospects and those you employ.
You’re offering something every human needs—an opportunity to engage in meaningful work and earn a living.
So this Labor Day, take a minute to pat yourself on the back. You’re making the world a brighter place.