Recruiting Insights

The Bad Manager Recruiting Trigger

Recruiting Insights

The Bad Manager Recruiting Trigger

The Gallup Organization reports that managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores across business units. 

When it comes to engaging employees and meeting their needs, great managers are the key to unlocking high performance and creating a magnetic culture.

When individuals lack good management, they become disengaged and often leave the companies where they are employed.

This is a valuable insight for recruiting both experienced and new-to-real-estate agents.

For experienced agents, most of your prospecting efforts should be directed at organizations that are known to have poor first level managers. 

When a manager leaves or has a crisis at one of your competitor’s offices, it’s time to strike.   

Agents are most likely to change companies when the agent-manager relationship is disrupted or strained.

For new-to-real-estate agents, make sure your interviews include several open-ended questions about the candidate’s experience with their current and previous managers. 

Often this is where the pain and frustration will exist. 

If candidates can envision a future with a great manager, it will serve as a strong attraction to you and your company.

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