By getting inside the minds of your recruiting prospects, you’re equipping yourself to be more successful at recruitment marketing, interviewing, and other parts of the recruiting process.
Unless you’re a mind reader, a recent nationwide survey of employees will give you some much needed insight into what recruiting prospects are thinking.
The study revealed what motivates job seekers when first considering new employment opportunities. Here are their concerns in descending order of importance:
1. Salary information
2. Location of job
3. Qualifications & requirements for the role
4. Specific job duties & responsibilities
5. Benefits/health insurance
6. Growth opportunities
7. Details on next steps in the hiring process
8. Company culture
9. Employee testimonials
10. Employer awards/industry recognition
Does anything on the list surprise you? Does the order of importance seem correct?
It’s imperative to know and understand the recruiting prospects’ perspective when communicating at all phases of the recruiting process.
Keep this list handy to remind yourself of what the other person is thinking.