The day-to-day work of recruiting can sometimes feel relentless.
How do you stay on track and not give up?
According to Rich Millington, connecting with a few close peers on the topic can really help.
Most communities (online or others) attempt to bring a large number of people together around a common topic of interest. This approach often doesn’t lead to meaningful interactions.
The real power of an online community is to help members establish a [small] peer group who they want to impress and emulate.
They need to have a private place (on your community or off it) to engage with their peers, share advice and have a mentor who can support them.
They need to make real, strong, relationships by being encouraged to speak openly about their thoughts and feelings.
If you’re in the recruiting trenches, find a few others who are fighting the same fight.
Even a simple email or chat group could give you a place to share your struggles, ideas, and successes.
You’ll be surprised how these interactions will renew your energy and give you the strength to continue the fight.