The desired result of the application process is a live conversation with a viable recruiting prospect.
These conversations should be short and focused on getting the prospect either scheduled for a face-to-face interview (in-person or video), or disqualified from moving forward in the process.
Here is a script used by some of our high-performing recruiting coordinators:
- Hi, may I speak to __________________ (just use first name).
- _________________ (first name) this is [state your name and company] and I noticed you found us online and completed an application (listen for their recollection).
- I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your interest in becoming a real estate agent (if they cannot talk, they usually tell you here)?
- Can you tell me a little about your work history and what’s going on in your career right now? (this answer will tell you a lot about where they are at, and how to proceed).
- Based on your work in the past, what skills and talents do you possess that you believe would apply to the real estate agent position (measures self-awareness)?
- If real estate doesn’t pan out for you, what other career options are you considering (measures commitment)?
- Obviously a career in real estate is not right for everyone. The time it takes to get your license, to go through our training, and to close your first transaction is usually 3-6 months. How are you prepared to bridge that gap financially (measures financial capacity)?
- I’d like to set an appointment for you to meet with our hiring manager for an interview. Are you available to meet this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon (the goal is to get a qualified prospect into an interview within 72 hours of applying)?
Using this script will help you make a quick in-or-out decision on who moves forward in the recruiting process.