Real estate leaders often tell me they’ve tried using job boards to source agent candidates but experienced poor results.
This frustration can be traced to a common source–accepting resumes as a way of applying.
To streamline the application process, most job boards encourage job-seekers to upload a resume (one time) in order to apply to jobs on their site.
Once a resume is uploaded to a job board, a prospect can easily apply by clicking an “apply button” in a job posting.
As this scenario unfolds, job-seekers sometimes do more button clicking than they do reading.
As a result, the recruiter gets low engagement rates and/or confused prospects who didn’t read the job posting information.
One way to avoid this frustration is to opt-out of the job-board-provided resume apply system.
As an alternative, use a simple application form and a landing page to more directly engage the prospects while they’re applying.
On the screening page, you may want to ask a few screening questions and give prospects some other ways to learn about your company, but don’t get carried away. There’s always a balance between making the candidate experience too long or too short.
Finding the sweet spot between quality and quantity requires some testing, but it’s worth the effort.
The payoff will be connecting with the high-quality prospects who use job boards and career sites for their job search. There are millions of them out there.