Yesterday, we covered the communication tools in your recruiting stack, and today we’ll start to look at software.
The basic software tools in a real estate recruiting stack are an ATS, a CRM and an Onboarding System.
Applicant Tracking System (ATS): An ATS is the software that directly connects active recruiting prospects to your company.
A recruiting prospect is typically activated in an ATS by responding to a call to action (ex. applying to a job-posting, uploading a resume, a referral from someone in your company, etc.)
Candidate/Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A CRM is the software that nurtures passive recruiting prospects over time.
It’s common for a company to have a list of individuals who are potential hires, but not actively seeking to engage. A good CRM implementation provides multiple low-key touches with little effort from the recruiter.
Onboarding System: This is software that helps guide the initial actions a new hire. It ensures the new hire is following an optimal path during their first days in the company.
Most failed hires can be attributed to a poor onboarding experience. It’s worth the effort to design and track the onboarding of new hires.
High-performing recruiters and hiring managers come to work with the right tools and know how use them.