Teaching Yourself to Be Resilient

Teaching Yourself to Be Resilient

We learned that resilience is an important trait to look for in recruiting prospects.

But, how about you? Do you see yourself as a resilient person?

According to business coach Jesse Sostrin, it’s a critical ingredient for all leaders and business practitioners.

You cannot overvalue your own resilience.

It affects everything about you, from your capacity to solve problems and innovate to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Resilience is like a super-competency, influencing many other related skills and abilities that you need to deploy in order to work, manage, and lead well.

As a recruiter or hiring manager, there are constant changes, setbacks, and obstacles to overcome.

If you find yourself retreating in the face of problems and difficulties, you may need to strengthen your resilience muscle.

Researchers have demonstrated how this can be done, and next week we’ll spend some time on this topic.

Until then, know that it is difficult to inspire a resilient individual to join your team if you’re not demonstrating the trait yourself. 

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