We all want quick results—especially those who are involved in the real estate recruiting process.
Our compensation, our bonuses, and our egos are all attached to bringing the newly hired agents across the finish line.
It’s no surprise that many high-performing recruiters and hiring managers are always looking for ways to reduce the time-to-hire.
One area you might not have considered is the age demographic of your recruiting prospects.*
The recent Madgex recruiting study revealed that the age of your recruiting prospects may increase time-to-hire more than you imagined.
If your recruiting prospect is over 35 years old, they are 34% more likely to report they’ll be “staying in their current job indefinitely.”
This is not a license to age discriminate in the hiring process, but it should cause you to reconsider how you approach each age group.
Younger prospects will be more responsive to short-term recruiting tactics.
Mature prospects will usually require a longer incubation period.
One-size-fits-all (in this case, one-age-fits-all) recruitment marketing content and recruiting methodologies will typically underperform more customized approaches.
*It is illegal to ask someone their age during the hiring process and/or use age-related information as a condition for hiring. Generalized demographic information may be used to help customize recruiting marketing content to engage more prospects of all ages.