Once you gain permission to follow-up with the recruiting prospect after the interview, the follow-up communication must be perceived as helpful.
How do you help a person who is not working for you?
One way is to educate them on how to solve their problems.
Most individuals welcome assistance from someone who understands their challenges and provides information on helping them find solutions.
If you did a good job of defining your ideal prospect, you’ll likely discover your prospects have a common set of problems.
For example, your ideal recruiting prospect working for a competitor might have problems such as not having enough leads, trouble getting listing appointments, or poor administrative support from their current broker.
Make your own list. Try to find at least 10 problems your ideal prospects have in common.
Next, write a drip email for each of the problems and queue them for sending in your CRM.
Reference the emails (and the issues they address) in follow-up conversations, phone calls, and text messages.
To your recruiting prospects, it always appears you’re working on their problems.
Who wouldn’t welcome that kind of follow-up?