We’ve all heard “recruiting is a numbers game,” but few of us actually believe it.
Getting a consistent number of new recruiting prospects to engage is difficult, so we rationalize that a lower number of prospects will suffice.
We tell ourselves:
“I’m better at connecting with the right individuals—so I don’t need as many prospects.”
“I’m better at interviewing and closing the prospects in my recruiting funnel—so I don’t need as many prospects.”
“I’m really good at picking the winners, so I focus most of my effort on just a few high-potential candidates—so I don’t need as many prospects.”
This is the same line of reasoning athletes use to do fewer practice reps, fishermen use to make fewer casts, and agents use to make fewer prospecting calls.
All of these scenarios lead to the same outcome: mediocre results.
After working with many high-performing real estate hiring managers over the last decade, here are the sourcing metrics they use to drive outstanding results.
It requires about 20 recruiting prospects to produce four good interviews (20% interview rate).
It requires about four good interviews to produce one high-quality hire (25% interview/hire rate).
Real Estate Recruiting Sourcing Rule: 20 Recruiting Prospects = One High-Quality Hire