Once you spend some time quantifying your ideal recruiting prospect, convert your collection of desirable characteristics into a checklist.
For a new agent, your checklist should include some basic screening items such as:
The recruiting prospect is…
-willing to focus full-time effort on being a real estate agent.
-financially stable and capable to work in a full-commission environment.
-able to use basic technology tools (email, texting, etc.).
But, your checklist should also include more specific items that relate directly to your observations. For example:
Individuals who excel on my team…
-love competition and typically played sports during their formative years
-have always wanted to start and own a business
-use systems to get things done in their personal and professional lives
These are just examples, make sure to build your checklist based on your observations of your team.
How long should you make your checklist? Try to keep it to 10 items or less.
The purpose of any checklist is to reduce the number of errors that happen when a process is being executed.
Recruiting is no different.
Since we’re so often driven by appearances, emotions, and other biases, the checklist helps us make fewer hiring mistakes.