Using Technology to Kiss Frogs

Using Technology to Kiss Frogs

There is an old saying in real estate recruiting: You have to kiss a lot of frogs in order to find the one who’s a prince. 

Since no one likes to kiss frogs, there’s a temptation to let impersonal technology systems do the kissing for you.

Sounds like a great idea, but here’s the problem:

High performers hate kissing soulless technology systems as much as you hate kissing frogs.

When a cold, automated engagement disappoints a high-performer, they hop away with all the other frogs who were so efficiently rejected.

This is a great example of being efficient, but not effective.

There may be a day when artificial intelligence and virtual humans replace real recruiters, but we’re not even close yet.

The best recruiters do it the old fashioned way, and periodically experience the storybook ending.

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