Teachers give tests to students to determine if they’re meeting standards.
It’s a simple, one-way relationship. The teacher’s in charge, and the student has to measure-up to get a good grade.
Since all of our formative years were spent in the education system, we tend to look at all assessments from this perspective.
During the recruiting process, the recruiter gives the test and lets the candidates know if their skills/competencies/strengths are acceptable.
Take a minute to view this issue from the candidate’s perspective.
This candidate is often asking: Is this opportunity a good fit for me?
Assessments can help answer this question, but only if it’s presented to the recruiting prospect as a benefit–not just a pass/fail evaluation tool.
Try pitching it this way: “We have a quick assessment tool that will help you learn about strengths and figure out if working in this role is a good fit for you.”
Of course, the assessment will also provide you the value of learning more about your candidates, and it will fuel productive follow-up discussions during the recruiting process.
Always lead with what’s best for the candidate—this posture resonates with the highest performers.