“I could see myself working here.”
If one of your candidates says this (verbally or to themselves), he/she has a very high chance of leaving their current position/career field and coming to work for you.
Of the 667 coefficients in the University of Calgary study, this factor was most predictive of whether a person would change jobs.
Naturally, it should be a primary focus in your recruiting process.
How do you get a person to experience perception of fit?
The researchers gave us some clues on where to focus:
Applicants [evaluate] the characteristics of the job, organization, and recruiter in light of their own needs and values to determine fit.
Spend some time during the initial interview and subsequent follow-up conversations trying to get the candidate to express their needs and articulate their values.
Once these issues are out in the open, the fit (or the misfit) will often become obvious.
Your job is not to create the fit, but instead bring to light if it already exists.