When you’re able to get your recruiting prospects to express their dissatisfaction with their current work situation, you’re earning the right to be heard later in the recruiting process.
However, the transition to the solutions stage must be handled delicately.
Once you’ve asked lots of open-ended questions (and additional clarifying questions) about a candidate’s dissatisfaction, try using a transition like this,
“During our discussion, I’ve heard you bring up some work-life balance concerns–especially your worries about caring for your aging parents in the next few years. Are you concerned your current job does not provide enough flexibility to make this work for you?”
“It seems like paying for your daughter’s college education is one of your major goals, and you’re not making enough money to reach that goal in your current job. Did I hear that right?”
Once the candidate confirms you’ve adequately uncovered their specific point (or points) of pain, they’ll be more open to hearing your solution,
“Perhaps becoming an agent could help you solve this problem.”
Decades ago, Stephen Covey taught us that effective communicators always seek first to understand and then to be understood.
This is a good time to apply that advice.